Monday, July 22, 2013

Part I.
7/23/13 12:33 AM 

Earlier, I have finally met the girl of my dreams! She's a girl with a "not a care in the world" attitude but in the good way, the song Hakuna Matata best describes her. She really cares for her friends but shows it in an unorthodox manner. Things were almost perfect if it weren't for two minor setbacks: 1. She's extremely out of my league and 2. I'm an awkward nervous wreck.
One july night (or day) when I suddenly came up with a "bright" idea: put up a blog. Thus on July 23 2013, LAZYBLOGS was born. Ready your news feeds cause there's plenty where this came from. *evil laugh* So as a first time blogger, I'm keeping this intro brief (due to laziness). You will laugh (or not) and you will cringe, don't sat you haven't been warned.